Thursday, February 12, 2009

Close-Up Photo Challenge

Macro is Close-up Photography

In this Challenge we are looking for Close-up or Macro images.
It is capturing something, usually small, at a close range, & seeing things at a different viewpoint. You can use a macro lens, macro settings...or just get as close as you can, but make sure your subject is in focus.

I love macros photos. Especially when I they give me the feeling of being in another world. This flower has so many different worlds that I just got lost in it.


MariesImages said...

This is a beautiful grouping of BEAUTIFUL close-ups! They go well together & individually...Ü
Excellent macros!
Thanks for joining in~

Carol Patterson said...

I love the images!

Epiphyllums are so intersting to photograph

Vicki said...

Rose...I agree, there are so many different parts to this flower and you captured them all beautifully. Love the presentation, too. :)

Nancy said...

I love these pictures! The pink and green is just beautiful.

m.m.sugar said...

Such beautiful depth!

Margo Moon said...

Truly loverly.

And you can play mind tricks to make them look like objects on a whole 'nother scale.


Noblese said...

Beautiful close-ups!